To use IP Poster Pro 2.xx, just click refresh to update the IP information server. To post your IP Address on the IP information server, type in your name, and your comment. This will be stored until 12:00:00 AM Central Time. You will have to post your IP address again after 12:00:00 AM Central Time, every day.
To automatically change your preferences using the options.inf file, click on Options. Then you may choose your options and click OK to save or Cancel to cancel the save.
To manually change the options.inf file:
The Prefix AV equals Available for chat
The Prefix UN equals UserName
You can change your user name and availability for chat manually. For your user name, just type in the user name you would like where your current user name appears. you must keep UN at the front though. Your user name cannot be longer than 10 characters. To change your availability for chat, type a 1 for yes and 0 for no. Keep the AV at the front though.
IP Check - Ping an IP using IP Poster Pro to see if user is still online and using IP Poster Pro. If so, you may chat with them if you like.
Type in the IP Address. You may ping it to see if he/she is still online and using IP Poster Pro. If they are online, you can chat with them by typing in connect below in the message box. Then press Send. If you do not connect within 10 seconds, the other user has probably disabled chat requests.
Copyright ⌐ 1999 Daniel Errante. All rights reserved. Any questions or comments should be **************sent to Thanks for using IP Poster Pro!******************